レアの推測 Rhea's Inkling
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
司祭: 猊下、お考え直しください。
Priest: Your Grace, please reconsider.
The chalice is among the church's greatest treasures, akin even to the Heroes' Relics.
レア: そうですね。ですから……私もすでに手を打っています。
Rhea: I am well aware, which is why I have already dealt with the matter.
Consider this, the Heroes' Relics are fearsome weapons imbued with great power.
On the contrary, the chalice has long lost the power it once possess is little more than a token of history.
司祭: ……宝杯は、一切の力を持たないと?であれば、なぜ至宝などと呼ぶのです。
Priest: If that is so, then why is it still considered such an important artifact?
レア: あれは……四使徒の血を持って、女神をこの現世に呼び戻すための……
Rhea: It was created for a sacred purpose. To use the blood of the Four Apostles to...return the goddess to our world.
Their blood...
司祭: どうされましたか?
Priest: Your Grace? Is something the matter?
レア: 急ぎ、灰狼の学級が保護している者たちの素性を洗い出しなさい。
Rhea: I have an urgent mission for you. Investigate the origins of the Ashen Wolves.
Start with their enrollment forms for the academy. Keep an eye out for falsified documents.
司祭: は……はい。承知いたしました。
Priest: Yes, of course. Understood.
レア: それと、アロイスを至急呼びなさい。騎士団にも命じたいことがあります。
Rhea: Before you begin, summon Alois at once. I have new orders for the knights as well.
司祭: 承知しました。
Priest: As you wish, Your Grace.
レア: 急ぎなさい。もし私の予想が正しければ、また悲劇が起こってしまう……。
Rhea: If I am correct, we haven't a moment to lose. Another tragedy is soon to transpire...